Saturday, October 22, 2011


Littlest Boy turned three...

This beautiful birthday picture came from a family photo session with Robyn Russel. I love this picture. To me, it feels like you are staring directly into his soul however, it also makes me laugh because Littlest Boy is never serious and is almost always laughing or being silly. It doesn't truly capture his spirit but I love it nonetheless.

Here are some of my other favourite photos...

The boy's are having a joint birthday party next weekend but we still wanted to make Littlest Boy's day special. When we asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner, he said "toast and jam"!
So toast and jam it was...
I can't believe my baby is three...sigh!


  1. Love the photos! And especially love the jam face :) Happy birthday to your baby!

  2. hey remember me?! I met you at the Sewing Summit! I just saw a link over here on Kristie's blog and thought I would pop in and say hi! Hi!! Your family is beautiful and you throw some pretty awesome parties!! Hope you are doing well!

  3. Funny what you find when you google yourself haha!!! This is adorable Sam! Glad you liked the photos!
