Paper Pal Al's son turned seven last month and he had an indoor soccer party to celebrate. He is a superstar, rep soccer player who truly loves the sport. Biggest Boy...IS NOT! He does however love her son and really wanted to go.
Biggest Boy is a shy boy and was very quiet until PPA's husband came up to him and said, "Don't worry, you are on the white team...they are the strong team". This immediately perked Biggest Boy up (he does not like to lose no matter what the sport or game being played). Afterwards Biggest Boy whispered into my ear, "Mom, he is a giant", to which I replied, "A friendly giant!"...PPA's husband is 6'5".
For Christmas, Jordan gave me a new Sony A55 DSLR that allows me to take 10 pictures/second. This sequence is of Biggest Boy warming up and kicking the ball. Biggest Boy always has his hands in his pockets and in these pictures his hands found their way back into his pockets before his feet even touched the ground!
I love this picture! This was actually the closest Biggest Boy got to the ball but it makes him look like he knows what he is doing. After all, this is the same kid who ran into a tree playing in the outdoor Soccer league this Summer....
Paper Pal Al and her boys!
This was the invite (above left) I designed for the party. PPA came up with the FIFA concept (her last name starts with F) and I ran with it. The original 2010 logo (above right) was my inspiration. Her son loves Puma so I added that for him too. Party details were printed on the reverse. I'm sure these are copyrighted images but since I was only using them for personal use, I didn't think it was a problem. PPA had my design printed on white and blue shirts as favours for the kids which also acted as jerseys for the teams, hence the white team and the blue team. It turns out PPA's husband was incorrect...the white team was not the strong team and Biggest Boy was so upset about losing he left the field in tears!