Sunday, February 20, 2011

Science Centre Fun!

Grandma, Uncle Mike and Cousin C came for a visit last week and we spent an afternoon at the Ontario Science Centre. The kids had a blast exploring, shopping, building, dancing, splashing, and playing!
These are a few random pics...

Future rock stars on plexi guitars!

Middle Child and her twin!
The kids were completely soaked when we left but they still had huge smiles. Nothing beats an afternoon at the Science Centre!

I heart high tea

Middle Child insisted on having a Valentine's tea party with her dance friends. I never say no to a party and got to work pulling out the fancy china and silver and arranging our basement for Valentine's High Tea! We made sure to plan it for a day when cousin C was visiting from Winnipeg.

The china seen in this picture was originally
Jordan's Grandmothers.

There were crafts (of course).

Even Uncle Mike got into the action.
Having a daughter has definitely softened him!

It is hard to believe cousin C is only 3,
she fits right in with the 4 and 5 year olds!

Monkey was invited too.

There was no shortage of cupcakes,
thanks to Paper Pal Al!

Littlest Boy crashed the party to steal a cupcake.

This is a picture of the Valentine's we handed out
at the party and to our school friends.
I had fun designing and assembling them...more than the kids I think!
The big kids are simply cellophane bags stuffed and
sealed with handmade sticker labels.
Biggest Boy was the Love Bandit...I just love his writing!
Littlest Boy's are paper wrapped Kinder Eggs and
because he is too small to sign his name, I included his picture.


Soccer Party

Paper Pal Al's son turned seven last month and he had an indoor soccer party to celebrate. He is a superstar, rep soccer player who truly loves the sport. Biggest Boy...IS NOT! He does however love her son and really wanted to go.
Biggest Boy is a shy boy and was very quiet until PPA's husband came up to him and said, "Don't worry, you are on the white team...they are the strong team". This immediately perked Biggest Boy up (he does not like to lose no matter what the sport or game being played). Afterwards Biggest Boy whispered into my ear, "Mom, he is a giant", to which I replied, "A friendly giant!"...PPA's husband is 6'5".
For Christmas, Jordan gave me a new Sony A55 DSLR that allows me to take 10 pictures/second. This sequence is of Biggest Boy warming up and kicking the ball. Biggest Boy always has his hands in his pockets and in these pictures his hands found their way back into his pockets before his feet even touched the ground!

 I love this picture! This was actually the closest Biggest Boy got to the ball but it makes him look like he knows what he is doing. After all, this is the same kid who ran into a tree playing in the outdoor Soccer league this Summer....
Paper Pal Al and her boys!

This was the invite (above left) I designed for the party. PPA came up with the FIFA concept (her last name starts with F) and I ran with it. The original 2010 logo (above right) was my inspiration. Her son loves Puma so I added that for him too. Party details were printed on the reverse. I'm sure these are copyrighted images but since I was only using them for personal use, I didn't think it was a problem. PPA had my design printed on white and blue shirts as favours for the kids which also acted as jerseys for the teams, hence the white team and the blue team. It turns out PPA's husband was incorrect...the white team was not the strong team and Biggest Boy was so upset about losing he left the field in tears!

Can you say spoiled?

My bosom buddy Kristie always spoils us with her amazing talents.
This Christmas was no exception...
Check out this adorable Japanese print dance bag for Middle Child. She loves it and could not wait to show it off at dance class!

 Littlest Boy received this super cute patchwork Scottie dog which he discovered is perfect for kisses, cuddles and naps! BTW - the owl was also handmade by Kristie...her talents just do not end!

And for me...a yarn wrapped wreath... I love everything about it, from the colour combination and detailed felt flowers to the vintage lace ribbon!

I am also the proud recipient of this amazing Matroyshka makeup bag which now has a permanent home in my purse. How can you not love the single doll on the back and the bright aqua lining? Kristie is a master at creating the perfect combination of fabrics!

Thanks for our goodies Kristie, YOU ROCK!!!

If you simply have to have one of these items too, I have included links back to her OCD blog so you can see her crafting process and tutorials...YOU CAN'T HAVE MINE!!

My sister-in-law also gave me this beautiful set of 5 hand painted candle sparklers. This picure does not do them justice...they are stunning when lit! She sells these on Vancouver Island. Should you want some for yourself here is her business card...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Crafty Christmas

In December, despite recovering from surgery and having 9 extra house guests, I did still manage to turn out a few Christmas craft projects.
Remember the doll quilt I submitted for the blogger's quilt festival? Well, I finished the bedding and painted the bed to match and also completed a second for Kristie's beautiful daughters. (Kristie is not only an amazing friend but a crafting Goddess). This was by far the largest gift project I have taken on to date but also the most rewarding! I must say quilting does not come easily to me and I hope nobody is looking to closely at my pitiful binding! Hopefully (fingers crossed), practise will make perfect.
The second doll quilt...

 The completed beds...these were made to match each girls room but also incorporate their favourite colours. My favourite are the pillows.

Before these were delivered via my mother's suitcase they were rigorously tested (and jumped on) by Littlest Boy!

I gifted two HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS felt banners to the kids classrooms. The kids loved these and it was actually their suggestion to make them after they had birthday parties for Jesus at school. I also made a few tartan tablecloths for Middle Child's teacher to cover the tables for the Scotland classroom transformation. This came about one day after school when the teacher asked me if I had any that I could lend her. I thought about it and then said no, but I would be happy to whip some up for her. Who are we kidding?? I am not capable of whipping anything up but I was happy to help, she is such a deserving woman!

Banners have become a bit of an obsession with me as of late and this is one I made for Paper Pal Al for Christmas.
For the teachers, Baba helped me make homemade peppermint bark which I placed inside a ceramic gingerbread house along with a SEND A CHILD TO SCHOOL Samaritan's Purse charitable gift note.

The children at school received giant suckers with handmade labels that represented my kids...I'm sure most parents were wondering why a dentist would be handing these out!

Last but not least, I designed pins for my OCD friend from shrink plastic to match her blog world identity...can't wait to see them in your awesome tutorials!

Dancing Queen

Middle Child and I attended Vania's sons baptism earlier this month. We had so much fun and Middle Child provided most of the evenings entertainment with her completely UNINHIBITED dancing. You have to watch the video below and I challenge you not to laugh out loud. I am tempted to put this video on YouTube...not sure those dance lessons are paying off!

Middle Child only took a break from dancing to pose with her favourite people
(Vania, Linda and Debbie).  

This baptism seemed more like a mini wedding. There was an incredible sit down dinner and then an hour later we were tempted with four seafood and dessert tables. I could not help but take a picture of the decadence! 

This little cutie is the baptismal boy and the framed picture was the party 

My contribution to the party...favour tags.
FYI - his name is blocked out for privacy.